Thursday, July 22, 2010

Luxury! soon as the word is spelt, some coziness boils in mind. A million dollar car, an acre area bungalow, lots of farmhouses and lots of crease free currency to sleep on. Is this the definition of luxury? Then yes you are definitely right...but when you look for this word in dictionary you will realize how money minded and blind you are. Yes, luxury is not necessity. In fact it is all about what is unnecessary in your life yet it seems alluring...surprised??Is it I am talking about the things u keep running for whole your life then u must say that your life is futile...I won’t disagree to that...but then question still remains is it the luxury for which we keep on striving for our whole life?

Yes there is no harm in striving for luxury but what is your definition for luxury makes a difference. Infarct luxury is a widespread term as religion. More views than people!

A cycle may be luxury for one while a BMW may be necessity for another. Jute bag might be a luxury while even Gucci won’t satisfy other. Human psychology and its variations is the biggest mystery after the origin of universe and on the top of all luxury is a relative term and relativity is never absolute!

So today there are many brands that hit markets and are luxury oriented. To be precise they sell luxury. Luxury can be anything may be a service or a hard human substance. And believe me this market is growing exponentially. Even the middle class don’t want to lag behind elite class and the difference lies in the lifestyle they lead. Everyone is capable to buy luxury for themselves but story is all about how to maintain it. Suppose you have enough bank balance to buy a Mercedes Benz (don’t get lost in your fairy tales, discussion is serious). You just go and buy one….now the saga begins…It’s not a small NANO car so could be parked anywhere…you definitely need an ample parking space…then coming to its accessories, they must match with the prize of car and what about service cost…maintaining a driver for cleaning and driving purposes isn’t an easy affair and when you want to look for a driver for Mercedes, even the driver charge you accordingly…it’s a rat trap…cheesy enough but if slipped you will break your teeth….

So just buying alone won’t fetch you luxury. Definitely many expenses are waiting in flocks….many people don’t see those hidden culprits and end up on a sad note by surrendering property to bank as an incompetence to shoo off loans. Consequences can be scarier.

But then selling a luxury is not a cake walk. It accounts many factors ranging from whom to sell and where to sell and many more. Even economic theories are revised when it comes to luxury goods because it never follows the common trends. Marketing was never an easy job and when you market luxury stuff you need a great potential to loose someone’s pockets. You need to identify the target crowd, branding an AUDI car in an auto expo exhibition open for common people is not a wise attempt. Once you get your target crowd, then convincing them by telling features different from rest makes you one step closer. But then the person who is working in a store may or may not have relished that taste of luxury so sometimes it becomes difficult to convince others when you yourself are not fully aware of each and everything. How can you portray a Mac superior to any laptop in market unless you know all the technical specifications and never dirtied your hands with it?

Apart from these accessibility also matters. Customers need an easy terrain on the go when it comes to shop. Suppose an L’Oreal salon is on a location which is stinking badly, roads are not worth parking a car, stray animals loitering around and the entire ambience you can frame in your mind by the type mentioned here. Then no one can expect any beautiful lady to be coming out of salon and holding her nose and walking clumsily. Option is not worth the price. And hence it is well said” Diamond looks better when embedded in platinum.”

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