Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Chosen Day

Few days are already written!!!

There are times when we trace the skyline and say “why me?” Life seems an accident and you feel like nothing can go right with you and all you can do is go with the flow. Although bad things do happen to everyone but in sequential mode, they seem like a planned conspiracy.

A weird day it was. As usual I woke up early owing to my incomplete course of the great Nano Materials exam. Did I forget to mention about my ongoing End –Term exams in college.

So saga starts at 3:00am. Alarm was roaring near to my ear and thanks to my touch screen when I took it in my hand it was snoozed and I got a margin to sleep. Then it was crying again after 10 minutes or so and finally met its fate on ground. Yes it was lying there on floor urging me for a fast reassembling of its pieces. So I have to keep aside my residual naps and heavy eyelids and with my eyes wide open I started the assembling process. After struggling for 5 minutes, I was able to put things back into place and it was time to return to nano notes. Did I again forget to mention that last night I started my end term course at 8:00pm? I just had a glance of what are the topics or better to say “hawa li thi bas” and ahead was course of 20 pages, calling me to cram. So I thought of paying attention to them and started studying seriously.

Meanwhile I realised that there were some topics which were to be done from wiki and I rushed for my laptop. A cold sweat drenched me, battery and charger were missing. Then I had a quick flashback when mum took the charger and battery as my bro was playing some stupid games. He was supposed to study for his half-yearly exam. They must be locked in some almirah and I allowed the process voluntarily on account that I have to study only by notes and hence don’t need any lappy. My over sacrifice for my bro proved a fish-bone in my neck. I had no time to waste so I composed myself by saying “first complete your notes”. And as we comfort ourselves we generally keep on increasing angle from 90 degree position to 180 degree. And at 5 I was asleep. And found myself being ruffled by mom at 6:15.

Then it was 7:50 when I thought I should start dressing up. And it was 8:01 and I was standing there near my activa kicking it to compensate for wintery illness. Then I met Rashmi in parking at 8:06 so now we were like damn! we are gone. And then she was saying all those things from wiki which I left out and she spoke continuously from parking to LT1(brave!!). We were now near Archi dept’s entrance and no one could be seen in vicinity. Rashmi was now coughing badly due to her dry throat as we literally came running and she was speaking the whole way. She then had water and was feeling better. We entered lecture hall and RKD asked what we are here for ” Exams??!!” Then he asked whether we are having our I-cards or not. I had mine but Rashmi was not having it so even I refused. We then took paper and got ourselves a place to sit. So it was 8:15 by now and I decided to shoot. I started writing and kept writing and writing for next one and half hours. It was then people started moving out of class and I was still left with one and half question to be done out of which half question I have to cook.

Jitters were all in scenario and I stroked badly on paper with worst possible writing and worst possible diagrams. Then we moved out and traced path to parking, discussing about morning events. It was then Rashmi told that we have to do any 4 out 5. I was petrified. What the hell!!! And I was hopping like a mongoose for 2 hours crying and screaming for time. So another saga ends. Then I took my activa and fled to home. JLN Marg becomes a nightmare for driving when these interceptors are hidden in some khopchas under trees. I was driving at 43Kmph and that stupid officer came waiving his hand, asking me to stop. At once I thought to run away but then like a descent citizen I stopped. My mind was computing at Ghz of frequency as on what to say to patch up. Then after having a lot of typical emotional blackmailing I was set free with warning not to do that again and I was musing “will u be there ever to see me again?”

Now I was at home and noticed water was spilled in veranda. And tracing back all the great events happened till now, I was having no plan to take any more. So cautiously I moved in that water spilled area and when I was using doormat I slipped badly and found myself on floor. Duhhh….mom was laughing and I was thinking why I am alive today. Oh God take me up!

Then after wrapping lunch I went to sleep. I needed peace badly! Then those 2 hours were peaceful, really peaceful. But who knows what was about to come. I wake up at 2:00pm and then came an aunty whom I have not seen lately. I was asked to go to a Doctor nearby on her behalf, to enter her name in patient’s list which was about to start from 2:30pm.

I was not fully done with my sleep and found myself at doctor’s place. I asked the person who was in charge to look after these things to write aunt’s name and assign a number to her. And then he said that doctor won’t see patients today as he is out of station. That cursed tag I was carrying followed me till here. Anyways I got back to home and vomited the great news. Aunty said that she has already talked to doctor, he is here only. So mom said that once Akshat is here, he will go. He came back from school at around 3pm and was sent to doctor’s place. He came with a number 16 assigned to aunty. I was stunned and stoned and typical movie types surprise tone was ringing in my ears. I was so embarrassed in front of aunty and then I grabbed Akshat and asked him the description of guy at counter and the guy was same. Now I was having thoughts of like what to do. Bang my head on table, jump off the terrace or take something like insecticide or what! Enough is enough!

It was 4pm now so it was tea-time and I was allowed to do the honours to prepare a tea. And since nothing can go right, tea was curdled. Duh! I was so much irritated and frustrated now so mom served me tea. I just took the cup in my hands and I don’t know why first ever in 5-6 years I broke a cup. L That was now crossing limits and the frustration was growing even more.

And the best of all came when my internet went bad. DNS didn’t respond and this was happening every 15 minutes. At last the only thing I did was cleaned my bed, took my blanket and switched off the lights. I have to wait for clock to strike 12.

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