Monday, August 15, 2011

Darkness signified!

All we want is to hide in dark.

Starry moonless nights awaits
Inside thirst and hunger stakes.
Stepping up and down with mark.
All we want is to hide in dark.

Robbers, mongrels and scoundrels
Pave way to wipe away Federal
Make plans to rob in park
All we want is to hide in dark

Secrets Betrayals Stabbing Hard
Watching emotions, keeping a guard
Having untold stories to hark
All we want is to hide in dark.

Mistakes forgiveness misery sorrow
Attributes of anthropology and borrow
Time ticks in conspiracy or lark
All we want is to hide in dark.

Gust of winds blowing and hurling
Closed eyelids and eternal feeling
No bustle of wars or dogs bark
All I want is to hide in dark.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Random Thoughts!

What we think never happens and that is the beauty of life, full of surprises- no matter good or bad. It keeps an individual get going in all domains and gives a reason to live. Had it been monotonous, there would have been no definitions to success. Such instances are rife but our preoccupied mind finds it hard to grasp and manipulate. We never try to learn things from our mistakes. Instead we embrace it as non-resistant zone for ourselves. As I said examples are rife, you don't need to find any, you may be one of them!
A fanciful day may embellish your life and you feel like everything is great and I am on the top of world. But when we are down in dumps, we generally curse everything around us and feel the turmoil inside to be the most prevalent and witness an unprecedented control over us. This may be acceptable at times but if it lasts longer then definitely you are in a trouble.
It is a naive human tendency which makes them a prey to niche things. They see what they want and relate every happening to their interest. Nothing substantial can be achieved by seeking temporary feel-good factor. It takes you to utopian state and you start receding from reality. Best thing to curb anything is to avoid it. We all think the same! Comparison between two states is not at all fruitful unless it is between bread and butter and not earth and sky. Walking in someone else's shoe defies any argument of not considering the other side of view. The matters that lay buried deep in the heart swallows and make them shallow. Not everyone can live to our expectations and hence we should accept the reality rather running from them. But accepting a reality and forgetting it are two different issues. The former is the solution and latter an intense form of problem. A person who can see the reality is the one who is most successful; they don't seek pleasure in futile things. Instead they know what they want and how they can get it. May be two or three years down the lane, they will struggle but after that world welcomes them with open arms. Now it is up to them to reflect the same or to turn the head around.